Business Rules

The following business rules govern the application of these depreciation calculations:

Depreciation Calculation Business Rules and Error Messages





Where the Object Sub Type Code is 'CO,' 'CP,' 'UO,' 'AM,' 'AF,' 'LA,' or 'BY,' federally-owned/other-owned payments are excluded from depreciation.

Message: There are 'X' payments ineligible for depreciation, and will be removed.


Assets that are identified as Construction in Progress are excluded from the depreciation calculation because the useful life is set to zero.

Action: Drop asset from calculation.


Asset depreciation date must be valid.

Action: Drop asset from calculation.


Only payments with an Asset Transfer Payment Code of N, blank or Null are eligible for depreciation.

Action: Continue with depreciation calculation.


Only active (not retired) assets are eligible for depreciation.

Action: Continue with depreciation calculation.


Non-capital assets are excluded from depreciation.

Action: Drop asset from calculation.


The depreciation procedure calculates how many months of depreciation should have occurred (months elapsed). If the number of months elapsed is equal to or greater than the asset's depreciation life, the procedure uses the asset base amount as the calculated accumulated depreciation.

Action: If the number of months elapsed is equal to or greater than the asset's depreciation life, the procedure uses the asset base amount as the calculated accumulated depreciation. If the number of months elapsed is less than the asset's depreciation life, the depreciation is calculated.


Assets with a Pending Asset Transfer or Pending Asset Retirement document are not eligible for depreciation.

Action: Drop asset from calculation.


Assign the appropriate Plant Fund Chart Code and Account Number.

Action: When the Object Sub Type Code is C1, C2, CF, CM, ES, NA, UC, or UF, use the Organization Plant Fund Chart and Account numbers.
When the Object Sub Type Code is BD, BF, BI, BR, BX, IF, LE, LI, LE. Or LR, use the Campus Plant Fund Chart and Account numbers.


Post Depreciation to Assets