• An asset may be created only if the object code with the capital object sub type is displayed on the To portion of the Accounting Lines tab. These documents cannot be used to create an asset with negative value. Note that on the Procurement Card document all account lines are expense (to).
• If you specify a tag number, the system verifies that the number is not already being used on an active asset.
• When the System Control Remainder Amount is zero, the selected lines for processing are grayed out in the Accounting Lines for Capitalization tab.
• Clicking for an asset causes the system to clear the Asset Quantity, Asset Type, Vendor, Manufacturer, Model, Amt Dist Method, Amt, Asset Description, and Tag/Location Information in the Create/Modify Capital Assets tab. The system also resets the System Control Amount and the System Control Remainder Amount in that tab. (The tab remains open.). Additionally, this action causes the system to uncheck the selected accounting lines in the Accounting Lines for Capitalization tab.
• Clicking for an asset causes the system to clear all asset information, reset the System Control Amount and the System Control Remainder Amount, and close the Create Capital Assets tab. This action also causes the system to uncheck the selected accounting lines in the Accounting Lines for Capitalization tab.