• The Award Maintenance tab contains basic information identifying the project this award represents, including information on the sponsoring agency, project dates, funding and purpose.
Award Maintenance tab definition
Title |
Description |
Proposal Number |
Required. When creating a new award, search for the
associated Proposal from the Proposal lookup
Status |
Required. Select the proposal state from the following list options (single, alpha character): A = Award: An agreement has been reached and received. R = Rejected: Funding for the proposal has been rejected by the granting agency. U = Underwrite: The internal organization associated with the proposal has agreed to underwrite current expenses related to the project even though a formal agreement has yet to be received from the granting agency. W = Withdrawn: The institution has chosen to withdraw
the request for funding from the agency. Display-only if post-award, and
searchable via the lookup |
Agency Number |
Required. Enter a number to uniquely identify an
external funding agency or search for it from the Agency lookup
Agency Name |
Optional. Enter The official, full title of the potential funding agency. System-generated based on agency number. |
Project Title |
Required. Enter the official project name for external agency and C&G Administration correspondence. |
Start Date |
Required. Enter the date on which the project is to
begin, or search for it from the calendar |
Stop Date |
Required. Enter the date on which the project is to
end or search for it from the calendar |
Direct Cost Amount |
Required. Enter the monetary amount of the direct costs charged to the award (for example, salary, fringe benefits, materials, travel charges, communication costs, etc.)
Indirect Cost Amount |
Required. Enter the monetary amount of indirect costs charged to the project (usually a certain percentage of the direct costs budgeted).
Total Amount |
Display-only. Displays the total dollar amount calculated from Direct Cost Amount + Indirect Cost Amount. |
Agency Future1 Amount |
Optional. Enter the amount of funds committed by an external agency for the next funding period. |
Agency Future2 Amount |
Optional. Enter the amount of funds committed by an external agency for the second future funding period. |
Agency Future3 Amount |
Optional. Enter the amount of funds committed by an external agency for the third future funding period. |
Entry Date |
Required. Enter the date which this award is entered
into the system or search for it from the calendar
Close Date |
Display-only. Displays the date the system manager closes out business for the month. Changes made to an award with a close date may alter institutional report records. System-generated. |
Award Type |
Required. Select the kind of award being made from the
Award list, or
search for it from the lookup C = Non-Competing/Continuation |
Grant Number |
Optional. Enter the unique number, assigned by an external agency, for a specific contract or grant. Not all agencies assign grant numbers, but if present it serves as an identifier for a particular award. |
Grant Description |
Required. Select the code that describes the type of
contract or grant from the Grant
Description list, or search for it from the lookup Options include government and non-government codes, including Contract (© Government Grant (G), Non-Federal Grant (N), and Non-Federal Contract (O), etc. |
Purpose |
Required. Select the nature of work to be completed by the grant or contract from the
Purpose list or
search for it from the lookup |
Federal Funded Amount |
Display-only. Displays the amount funded by the awarding agency (if federal) for the federal pass through agency. |
Federal Pass Through |
Optional. Select the check box to indicate that this award involves federal pass-thru funds (federal agency awards money to the non-federal granting agency which in turn is passed along to your institution through an award.) |
Federal Pass Through Agency Number |
Optional. Enter the code to uniquely identify the
federal agency from which the funding originates, or search for it from
the Pass
Through lookup |
Federal Pass Through Agency Name |
Display-only. Enter the originating agency of any federal pass-through funds for this award. System-generated and updatable only upon a change in the Federal Pass Through Agency Number. |
Federal Pass Through Funded Amount |
Optional. Enter the dollar amount identified as federal pass-through funds for the award. |
Allocated University Computing Services Amount |
Optional. Enter the contract or grant award dollars designated in an approved budget for University Computing Services. |
Addendum Number |
Optional. Enter a number assigned by Contracts and Grants Administration that identifies an addendum to the master contract. |
Letter Of Credit Fund Group |
Optional. Select the line of credit (LOC) identifier used for applicable federal cash draws from the LOC list, or
search for it from the lookup |
Award Document Number |
Optional. Enter the unique identification number assigned to your institution by an external agency for communication of fiscal information about an award. |
Agency Analyst Name |
Optional. Enter a unique identifier assigned to the agency's contact person. |
Agency Analyst Telephone Number |
Required. Enter the telephone number where the agency contact may be reached. |