To add additional information about the asset:
1. Before processing the applicable line item, view the purchase order by clicking the hyperlink for the purchase order number in the Purchase Order Processing tab.
2. On the PO, review the information on the Capital Asset tab to determine how the line items should be combined to create assets.
3. Review the notes as well. They may indicate how the asset should be created or specify that it should be held for processing until problems are resolved.
4. To
proceed, return to the Purchasing/Accounts Payable
Transactions screen and click the button.
The system opens the Asset Global (Add) document, which includes information previously supplied by the processor.
passing the transaction to Asset Global (Add), the system checks pre-asset tagging to see if tagging
information exists for the line item. Pre-asset tagging allows the department to
enter tagging information (i.e., tag
number, serial number, and asset
type code) before the asset is created in the system. If your department
uses this option, the system updates the asset with this information when the
asset is created. Pre-asset tagging information takes precedence over capital
asset information collected in the Purchasing/Accounts Payable system.
5. Add additional information to the document as appropriate.
6. Click
as appropriate.