Adding a Position Funding Line

The add position button causes the system to display the Budget Construction Position Lookup so you can search on the position to be assigned to this account. To work with this function, proceed as follows:

1.     Click .

2.     Complete fields in the Construction Position Lookup screen as needed and click .

3.     Select the position and click either the Posn Salset or Posn Salset w/Sync (expanded mode) link in the Actions column.

      Posn SalSet takes you to the Salary Setting by Position screen.

      Use Posn Salset w/Sync when you want the system to access the payroll system to obtain the newest position information.

exclaim       Position salary set with sync functionality is available only if your institution has customized the system and the PSSYNC Function Control is turned on for the fiscal year.

pencil-small       The  button allows you to add any new position rows not yet in BC. The nightly batch update usually handles this function, but you may not want to wait overnight to get any newly created positions from the payroll system.

exclaim       The get new functionality is also controlled by PSSYNC Function Control and must be built by each implementing institution.


Adding Incumbent