Core ModulesChart of Accounts (COA)Standard COA E-Docs
The Sub-Object Code Import (SOIP) e-doc is a financial maintenance document that provides the ability for a user to import a list of sub-object code names and numbers into the financial system, bypassing the need to create each one individually, with no approval required.
For general information about accessing and working with
Sub-Object Code documents, see Sub-Object Code E-Doc
The Sub-Object Code Import document contains the Import Sub-Object Code tab.
Import Sub-Object Code tab is the only document specific tab and is explained below. The remaining document tabs are common across financial e-docs. The SOIP document is unique in the fact that sub-object code information is not manually keyed into the document. Rather, a pre-existing list of sub-object codes is imported into the appropriate tab.
The Import Sub-Object Code tab is where the import of the list of sub-object codes takes place. Before a list of sub-object codes can be imported, they must be properly arranged in a spreadsheet using a template. The template is used to create a Comma Separated Values (.CSV) file from the spreadsheet that is imported into this tab on the e-doc. There are three buttons on this tab that are used with the import process.
This button is located at the top of the document next to the Project Code Import label. This button provides document level help, as well as access to the list of import templates. For importing project codes choose the template named “Project Code Import Template” from the list of templates.
Import Lines button
This button is used to begin the process of
importing the .CSV file containing project codes into the Import Project Code
tab. This process is very similar to the process of importing accounting lines
into an e-doc. Click this button to browse and find the .CSV file that contains
the project codes being imported, and import that file into this tab of the
Delete All button
Once the import of the .CSV file is complete, the sub-object
codes will be displayed in the tab. This button is used
if errors are detected after the import. Clicking this button will remove all
import entries so that the file can be corrected and the import performed
For information about
accessing and using the import templates, see Data
Import Templates.
Once the .CSV file has been created and saved, it can then be imported into the Import Sub-Object Code tab of the e-doc. Import the .CSV file using the following steps:
1. Click the import lines
button to open the import line.
Click the Browse…
button to find and select the .CSV file created earlier. Once the file is
located, complete the import by clicking the add button.
3. The imported sub-object codes now appear in the Import Sub-Object Code tab.
4. Click the submit button to add these sub-object codes to the financial system.
For more
information about the Document Overview tab go to the documentation in
the KFS Overview and Introduction to the User Interface.
The Sub-Object Code Import document is subject to the same business rules as the Sub-Object Code document.
· If the document contains a sub-object code number that already exists on an account, the document will not successfully submit until the sub-object code causing the error is removed from the document.
· There is no mechanism for mass-deleting sub-object codes once they have been added to the finance system. They must be inactivated individually.
the information about the Sub-Object Code document business rules, see Sub-Object_Code.
The SOIP document has no approval workflow. Once the document is submitted the sub-object code contained in the import are created and the financial system is immediately updated.