Search Criteria

Payment Bank History Fields

Tab Name


Original Bank Code

Optional. Enter the bank code for the original disbursement. You can also search for and select a bank code using the Bank lookup searchicon.

Bank Code

Optional. Enter the bank code for the current disbursement. You can also search for and select a bank code using the Bank lookup searchicon.

Disbursement Type Code

Optional. Select the type of disbursement for the payment you want to view.

Disbursement Date From

Optional. Enter the earliest disbursement date of the payments you want to view.

Disbursement Date To

Optional. Enter the latest disbursement date of the payments you want to view.



Optional. Enter the chart code for the customer associated with the payment.



Optional. Enter the unit code for the customer associated with the payment.


Optional. Enter the sub-unit code for the customer associated with the payment.

Pay Date From

Optional. Enter the earliest pay date of the payments you want to view.

Pay Date To

Optional. Enter the latest pay date of the payments you want to view.

Process ID

Optional. Enter the ID for the process in which the payments were formatted. You may also search for and return a process ID from the Payment Process lookup searchicon.

Payment Status Code

Optional. Select a value to limit your search to payments with a particular status code.


Results returned by your search are displayed in a format similar to that used by the Search for Payments lookup.


Payment Change