Scheduling Year-End BatchJobs

Four year-end batch jobs generate GL data files.

      KFS-GL organizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob

      KFS-GL encumbranceForwardJob

      KFS-GL nominalActivityClosingJob

      KFS-GL balanceForwardJob

Files output by these jobs are not automatically fed into the scrubber, so an administrator must review the the files to be sure the data seems valid and then use the GLCP to make the data available for the next nightly batch processing. 

These four jobs may be run over a period of several days. For example, after the final close, jobs might be run according to a schedule like the following.

Day 1

1.     Schedule:

      KFS-GL organizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob

      KFS-GL encumbranceForwardJob

      KFS-GL laborBalanceForwardJob

Day 2

1.     Review output from yesterday's:

      KFS-GL organizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob

      KFS-GL encumbranceForwardJob

      KFS-GL laborBalanceForwardJob

2.     For all valid output from those jobs, use the GLCP to input the files into this evening's batch cycle.

3.     Schedule KFS-GL nominalActivityClosingJob.

Day 3

1.     Verify that the entries from the following jobs posted without incident during last night's batch cycle:

      KFS-GL organizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob

      KFS-GL encumbranceForwardJob

      KFS-GL laborBalanceForwardJob

2.     Review output from yesterday's KFS-GL nominalActivityClosingJob.

3.     For all valid output from that job, use the GLCP to input the file into this evening's batch cycle.

4.     Schedule KFS-GL balanceForwardJob.

Day 4

1.     Verify that the entries from yesterday's KFS-GL nominalActivityClosingJob posted without incident.

2.     Review output from KFS-GL balanceForwardJob.

3.     For all valid output, use the GLCP to input the file into this evening's batch cycle.

Day 5

1.     Verify that the entries from yesterday's KFS-GL balanceForwardJob posted without incident.

If a problem (for example, if the scrubber finds errors) arises at any point, fix the problem before continuing with the remaining steps.


GL Correction Process (GLCP)