Proposals (and subsequent Awards) that involve human subjects, animals, or other comparable 'research risks' must be flagged. This section allows you to specify whether certain types of risks are involved in the proposed research. Selecting the check box indicates Yes for the presence of each risk type. This serves as a flag to alert reviewers that the proposal contains these research risks so that the proper institutional officials can be involved in the proposal and protocol review(s).
Security Note: Due to the sensitive nature of risk information, view/update access is limited to risk security research office personnel who are members of KFS-SYS Contracts & Grants Processor role.
Auto Display Note: A proposal or award must exist before you can specify this information, and when an existing proposal/award number has been entered, risk information is automatically displayed.
Research Risk sections
Title |
Description |
Type |
Display-only. Human Subjects, Animals, Biosafety, Human Tissue/Fluids, Pathogenic Agents and Financial Conflict of Interest all have individual research risk sections. Institutions may modify this list of types from the Research Risk Type Document. |
Required |
Optional. Select the check box to indicate whether this type of risk is involved. Clear the check box if it is not. |
Only members of
KFS-SYS Contracts & Grants Processor role can access the Research
Risks tab.