Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs

Purchase Order Void

If a PO has been fully approved and transmitted to the vendor and no payments have been processed, the Void Order (POV) document allows you to cancel the PO and disencumber all related items. You must enter a reason when initiating the PO void. When the purchase order void is submitted, the requisition initiator and fiscal officer(s) receive an FYI. This is his or her notification that the purchase order was voided


pencil-small     The void order button is displayed on a PO only if no payments have been processed against it.


https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifDocument Layout

https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifProcess Overview


Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Void

Document Layout

When a PO is voided, the system creates a PO Void (POV) document based on the existing PO. The document layout of the POV document is identical to that of the original PO, with a Purchase Order Void document title and an additional notation regarding the status in the Document Header. A notation also displays at the top of the PO document, such as 'Warning: There is a pending action on this Purchase Order.'

go-arrow-red   For information about the fields on this document, see Document Layout Document Layout under Purchase Order.


https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifGeneral Ledger Pending Entries Tab

https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifNotes and Attachments Tab


Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Void

Process Overview


https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifBusiness Rules


https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifInitiating a PO Void Document


Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Void > Document Layout

General Ledger Pending Entries Tab

When the POV document is successfully submitted, the General Ledger Pending Entries tab displays the transactions that will disencumber the total funds associated with this PO. This document reverses the encumbrances that were created by the purchase order.


go-arrow-red   For information about the fields on this tab, see Document Layout Document Layout under Purchase Order.



https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifNotes and Attachments Tab

Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Void > Document Layout


Notes and Attachments Tab

When you click the void order button to initiate the document, the system automatically inserts a note text in the Notes and Attachment tab of the original PO document and the POV document.



https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifProcess Overview

Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Void

Process Overview


https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifBusiness Rules


https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifInitiating a PO Void Document



Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Void > Process Overview

Business Rules

The POV document may be initiated only by the members of the Purchasing Processor role.

The void option is available only if no payments have been issued against this PO.




Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Void > Process Overview


The document becomes 'FINAL' when the POV document is submitted.

The requisition initiator and the fiscal officer(s) of an account receive an FYI.


PURAP-POV Void Document



https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifInitiating a PO Void Document

Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Void > Process Overview

Initiating a PO Void Document

1.     Search for the PO you want to void from the PO search screen and open the PO.

2.     Click buttonsmall_voidorder to cancel the PO.

3.     Enter the reason for voiding the PO.


4.     Click buttonsmall_Yes.

The system displays this window.


5.     Click buttonsmall_ok.

The system displays the KFS main menu.