Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs

Purchase Order Retransmit 

The Retransmit (PORT) document reprints a copy of the PO in the PDF format. You might need to resend the POs to your vendors for a variety of reasons.

Unlike the Print action, retransmitting gives you an opportunity to specify the content to be printed before you create the PDF. After the PDF version of the PO is displayed, you may then print it or retransmit it to the vendor. The PDF is retained as a report in the Batch File located under Administration tab under file path: reports/purap/poPdfRetention/archive.  The PO PDF is automatically transferred to DocViewer for historical and reprint needs.

pencil-small     The retransmit button appears only when you are viewing a PO that is currently in 'Open' status. The button appears if the PO has already been printed or a transmission method other than 'Print' was selected.



https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifDocument Layout

https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifProcess Overview


Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Retransmit

Document Layout

After you click the retransmit button, the system displays the PO Retransmit screen and asks you to select the transmission method, header, and items to print.


The PO Retransmit screen includes the Purchase Order Retransmit tab.



https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifPurchase Order Retransmit Tab

Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Retransmit > Document Layout

Purchase Order Retransmit Tab

This tab requires a transmission method, header, and items to print.

Purchase Order Retransmit tab definition




Method of

PO Transmission


Defaults to 'PRINT'. 'FAX' may would bebe an option only if a fax server was set up during the installation of KFSis available.

Fax Number

Optional. Required if transmission method is 'FAX'. Enter the fax number.

PO Header

Select the verbiage to print as a subtitle on the PO. The selections are 'Retransmission of Purchase Order' and 'Purchase Order'. Defaults to 'Retransmission of Purchase Order'.

pencil-small     See the figure below for the exact location of the subtitle on the PDF.


Check the box for each item you want to have printed. You must select at least one item.

1.     Select the items to print. If desired, click buttonsmall_selectall to select all items or click buttonsmall_deselect to clear the Select check boxes.

2.     Click the buttonsmall_retransmit button again. The system displays a PDF document in the window.



https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifProcess Overview


Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Retransmit

Process Overview


https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifBusiness Rules


https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifInitiating a PORT Document


Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Retransmit > Process Overview

Business Rules

      The PORT document may be initiated only by the members of the Purchasing Processor role.

      The Retransmit option is available only on the documents with 'OPEN' status.





Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Retransmit > Process Overview


      The document becomes 'FINAL' when the PORT document is submitted.

PURAP-PORT Retransmit Document


https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifInitiating a PORT Document


Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Purchase Order Retransmit > Process Overview

Initiating a PORT Document

1.     Search for the PO you want to retransmit from the PO Search Screen and open the PO.

lightbolb-small     If the PO number is unknown, narrow down the search with the status of 'Ready to print'.

2.     Complete the Purchase Order Retransmit tab.

3.     Click buttonsmall_retransmit to open the printable PO.

The system displays a printable PO screen.

4.     Click buttonsmall_retransmit again to generate a PDF version the printable PO.

5.     Send the PDF document to a printer or fax server to transmit to the vendor.


https://finalt.qual.ebsp.msu.edu/kfs-qa/static/help/button.gifPurchase Order Void