Financial Processing > Standard Transaction E-Docs

Procurement Card

The Procurement Card (PCDO) document is used to properly distribute procurement card expenses to the correct account number and object code. It is a reconciliation tool for the procurement card transactions.

Unlike other financial transaction documents, the PCDO document is generated automatically by the system in a batch mode based on an electronic feed of posted transactions from the bank's system. The PCDO document is routed to the Pcardholder of the PCDO card. They use the PCDO document to accomplish the following:

To apply procurement card charges to an account number or object code other than the default account and object code associated with the card.

To identify charges that the Pcardholder wishes to dispute.

PCDO documents may be retrieved via document search. When the Pcardholder selects one of the Procurement Card transactions from the action list, the PCDO document appears.

More: Layout Overview


Financial Processing > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Procurement Card

Document Layout

A PCDO document has its own unique Transaction section within the Accounting Lines tab in addition to the standard financial transaction tabs.

go-arrow-red   For information about the standard tabs, see Standard Tabs.

pencil-small     If the PCDO transaction pertains to a capital asset, the Accounting Lines for Capitalization, Create Capital Asset and Modify Capital Assets and tabs may identify either a new asset number in the Create New Assets section or an existing asset number in the Retrieve Asset to be Updated section. In both cases, the Accounting Lines tab specifies the account(s) and object code(s) to which the expense is being moved. The tabs does not display the number of the clearing accounts from which the expense is being moved.

More: Section Dispute Button



Financial Processing > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Procurement Card > Document Layout

Transaction Section

Unlike the other document types, the PCDO document opens with the Transaction section and pre-populated Chart, Account, Object Code, and the Amount fields in the Accounting Lines tab. The accounting information is based on the PCDO data that was uploaded via the Procurement Card Upload.

Transaction Detail Section

The Transaction document detail section lists information about all the transactions posted for this card during this cycle and is not editable.  Each transaction line is # on the PCDO document for easier tracking and auditing.


Transaction Detail section definition



Transaction Credit Card Number

Display-only. Procurement Card number. Clicking the Transaction Credit Card Number link opens up a separate window which displays the credit card holder detail. This information is masked when viewed by users who are not the Pcardholder or the fiscal officer of the default account associated with this Pcard.

Card Holder Name

Display-only. Name of the card holder

Transaction Total Amount

Display-only. The amount of the purchase

Transaction Date

Display-only. The date the purchase was made

Transaction Reference Number

Display-only. The bank's transaction number. Clicking the Transaction Reference Number link opens up a separate window which displays the procurement card transaction detail.

Vendor Name

Display-only. The name of the vendor the goods were purchased. Clicking the Vendor Name link opens up a separate window which displays the vendor detail.

Disputed with Bank

Optional. Yes or No to designate

Dispute Info

Display-only. The bank's transaction number. Clicking

Dispute Reason

Optional. Required if Dispute Info is marked as Yes.

The following example shows a Procurement Card Holder inquiry.

Next is an example of a Procurement Card Transaction Vendor inquiry:

And this is an example of a Procurement Card Transaction Detail inquiry:

More: Dispute Button

Financial Processing > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Procurement Card > Document Layout


The Dispute Button

The dispute button can be linked to the electronic dispute screen offered by your bank.

Click buttonsmall_disputeto open the dispute screen in a separate window.

More: Overview


Financial Processing > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Procurement Card

Process Overview

More: Rules a Procurement Card Document



Financial Processing > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Procurement Card > Process Overview

Business Rules

Object code restrictions can be made by object type, object sub-type, object level, object consolidation and object code.

Account restrictions can be based on sub-fund, function code and account number.

Restrictions can be global, restricting use on the document as a whole.

Restrictions can also be based on the Merchant Category Code (MCC) associated with the transaction.

Total amount cannot be changed.

Negative amounts are allowed to accommodate credits given against prior transactions.

The Procurement Card e-doc can potentially create multiple accounting lines with the same Chart, Account, Sub-Account, Object, and Sub-Object. When capital assets are affected, before submitting the document for processing the user must either assign all identical lines together in the Accounting Lines for Capitalization tab or distinguish the lines by adding/changing the Project Code or the Org Ref ID in the Accounting Lines tab.

The document cannot be disapproved or canceled.

Institutions may define a number of days after generation of the PCDO documents after which they are automatically approved by the system.

The PCDO document cannot be selected from the Main Menu tab.

pencil-small     The total document amount cannot be changed. The total of the Accounting Lines for each transaction should not be changed.

pencil-small     Since procurement card transactions are initiated by a batch process, you do not see the PCDO document selection in the Financial Transactions area within the Main Menu.




The PCDO document is initiated by the system and routed to the fiscal officer for the default account on the transaction. The fiscal officer may change the account(s) on the PCDO to accounts belonging to other fiscal officer(s).

The PCDO document then routes to all fiscal officers on the document again. This ensures that all fiscal officers get a chance to see any changes other fiscal officers may have made to their accounts during the first pass through fiscal officer routing. In the base configuration this second approval is required even if the fiscal officer approved the document the first time. If you are not creating procurement card documents with multiple account numbers on the same document this second approval is redundant and can be configured via KIM not to force the user to take a second action.

The PCDO then follows organizational routing already established in workflow. The contracts and grants special conditions routing does not exist for the PCDO document because the document cannot be disapproved.

Contracts and grants charges are reviewed after the fact, and if it is later determined that the charge does not comply with the provision of the contract or grant, the fiscal officer is expected to reimburse the account.

The document status becomes 'FINAL' when the required approvals are obtained and the transaction is posted to the G/L during the next G/L batch process.


Financial Processing > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Procurement Card > Process Overview

Approving a Procurement Card Document

The following steps apply to appropriate fiscal officers responsible for approving the procurement card transactions.

1.     Click icon-port-actionlist located in the upper left corner of the screen.

2.     Log into the KFS as necessary.

All procurement card transactions awaiting approval appear in the action list. Notice that the Action Requested shows 'APPROVE'.

3.     Click the Document ID link to open the document you wish to reconcile.

A pre-populated PCDO document appears.

4.     Complete the common financial transaction tabs.

5.     Modify the information in the Accounting Lines tab.

The reconciliation process might include the following activities:

Verify each transaction against the original receipt

Review purchase for adherence to the institution's policy

Change object code from the default object code to one that accurately reflects the charge incurred. Make account redistribution decision and change as needed. Sub-accounts, sub-object codes, or project codes can also be added.

You may also add additional accounting lines to divide the transactions between several different accounts.

go-arrow-red     For information about the common financial transaction tabs such as Document Overview, Notes and Attachments, Ad Hoc Recipients, Route Log, Accounting Lines and Capital Edit tabs, see Standard Tabs.

6.     Click buttonsmall_approve.

exclaim       The PCDO document cannot be disapproved. Disputes or discrepancies must be referred to the bank's online dispute process discussed earlier in this section. A credit arising from a disputed transaction appears as a negative amount in the PDCO document when the dispute is resolved.

7.     Review the General Ledger Pending Entries tab.

The pending entries include offset generation lines to cash or fund balance object codes.

pencil-small       Expenses related to procurement cards are held on a clearing account until redistributed using the PCDO document. The pending ledger entries show this clearing account being appropriately credited, though the account does not otherwise display on the document.

8.     Review the Route Log tab.

The document is routed to the fiscal officer for each account used in the Accounting Lines, if other than the fiscal officer initiating the PCDO document. Otherwise the PCDO document follows the organization review routing rules. In either case, the Route Status shows 'ENROUTE'.

9.     Appropriate organization reviewers must approve the document.

go-arrow-red     For information about the Route Log tab, see Route Log.




Financial Processing > Standard Transaction E-Docs > Procurement Card


The Psychology department used a procurement card to pay for the Federal Express charges. The fiscal officer needs to change the default object code to the Shipping Postage object code to report the expenses in the correct expense object code.

The PCDO allows the user to change the object code from the default object code (4190) to the Shipping Postage object code (4370) in the Accounting Lines tab to correctly classify its departmental expenses.