Payroll Synchronization Problem



The BC Organization Synchronization Problems report contains any BC documents (accounts) in which at least one detail funding line is flagged for synchronization problems for the organization(s) selected. The report is created in PDF format and sent to a new browser window in your local environment. You then have the option of saving or printing the PDF file.

A BC document detail funding line is listed on the report when one or both of the problem flags are set. The Default Object Changed flag means that the default object code in the associated position has changed. The Position FTE Changed flag means that one of the constituent fields involved in the funded FTE calculation for the associated position has changed. Both of these situations require further investigation to verify that the funding line is still properly defined.


exclaim     The process that actually sets the problem flags is not defined in the standard KFS Budget module. Each implementing institution must build its own version of the perimeter service that handles the synchronization process between KFS Budget Construction and the Payroll/HR system.

exclaim     Resetting the problem flags is accomplished by using the Salary Setting by Position screen and clicking the recalculate button that is displayed at the bottom of the screen and fixing any problems related to displayed error messages. The button is displayed only when at least one of the flags is set.


Position Funding