Lookup Criteria

Labor Ledger View Screen definition



Fiscal Year


Required. Enter the fiscal year or search for it from the Fiscal Year lookup searchicon.

Employee ID

Optional. Enter the Employee ID or search for it from the Employee lookup searchicon.

Balance Type Code

Select from the following options:

Actual: AC labor entries posted to this fiscal year and fiscal period.
A21: A21 entries reflect the fiscal year and period for which the labor entries were originally paid.

pencil-small    Selecting A21 will display a combination of both AC and A2 labor ledger entries.

Internal Encumbrances: Only entries with an IE balance type.

Consolidation Option

Select from the following options:

Consolidation: Aggregate the amounts by fiscal year, chart, account number, and object code
Detail: Aggregate the amounts by fiscal year, chart and account number, sub-account number, object code, and sub-object code

Include Pending Ledger Entry

Select from the following options:

No: Do not include pending entries
Approved: Include only approved pending entries
All: Include both approved and unapproved pending entries


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