Plant Indebtedness

Term. Plant Indebtedness entries are system generated accounting transactions (within the Scrubber) that record bond and notes payable liabilities in the Plant Fund. Two KFS-GL parameters, PLANT_INDEBTEDNESS_OBJECT_SUB_TYPES and PLANT_INDEBTEDNESS_SUB_FUND_GROUPS, are used to indicate the object codes and sub fund groups eligible for the generation of Plant Indebtedness entries. The Indebtedness process is similar to the Capitalization process (also within the Scrubber) where the proper Plant Fund is identified based on the Campus Plant account number assigned to the organization of the account where the transaction is processed. However, unlike the Capitalization process, which reclassifies an expenditure to an asset object code, the Plant Indebtedness entry in the Plant Fund remains the same as the original transaction since the object code is already a balance sheet item.