Generate Dunning Letters Lookup search results definition
Title |
Description |
Agency Number |
Identifies the Agency Number associated with the Award. |
Customer Number |
Identifies the Customer Number Associated with the Award. |
Proposal Number |
Proposal Number associated with the Award. |
Award Total Amount |
Indicates the Total Amount of the Award. |
Indicates the Dunning Campaign associated with the Award. | |
Generate Dunning Letters |
Indicates if the invoice should be included in the Dunning Campaign. Uncheck the invoice to exclude it. |
Indicates the Invoice Number. |
Account Number |
Indicates the Account Number associated with the Award. |
Billing Date |
Indicates the date the invoice was billed. |
Age |
Indicates the age of the invoice. |
Last Dunning Letter Sent Date |
Indicates the date the last Dunning Letter was generated. |
Invoice Total Amount |
The original invoice amount. In future releases, negative and 0.00 invoices will not be listed for dunning. |
Open Amount |
The remaining amount due. |
All invoices are selected by default. Deselect invoices by clicking one or more boxes in the Generate Dunning Letters column, or click to deselect them all. Once the invoices have been selected, click .
The system retrieves the specified invoices and displays them in the Generate Dunning Letters Summary screen.