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Data Mapping Field Definition Lookup definition






Required. Select the namespace (large functional category) associated with the field you wish to search for.


Required. Enter or search for and return the component (more specific functional category, such as a given screen or document section) associated with the field you wish to search for.


Optional. Enter the field name of the field you wish to search for or use the lookup to search for it.


Optional. Search for a field by its description. Remember that wildcards can be used, such as *account* to return all fields with the word 'account' in their description.

Database Table Name

Optional. Enter the name of the table in which the field you're searching for resides.

Database Field Name

Optional. Enter the name that identifies the field in the database.


The results display the namespace, component, field name, description and database field name and table name. Click on the linked field name to view the inquiry which contains additional data fields.

Data Mapping Field Definition Inquiry

Fields appearing on the inquiry and not previously described above are detailed here.

Data Mapping Field Definition Inquiry definition



Database Data Type

The type of data expected for this field by the database.

Application Data Type

The type of data the application expects in this field.

Database Defined Length

The maximum character length of the field in the database.

Application Defined Length

The maximum character length of the field in the application.

Decimal Places

The number of decimal places supported by this field.

Reference Component

The KFS component where this field originates. For example, an account number field has a reference component of 'account' indicating it is defined on the Account document.


Indicates if the field must be completed for this particular component.

Validation Pattern

The technical pattern used to determine if the data in the field is valid.


Indicates if the field is encrypted at the database level.

Mask Pattern

If a field is masked (its content partially or fully obscured to unauthorized users) this field defines the type of masking used.


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