Document Layout

The Report Definition document includes Edit Report Definition and Edit Report Position Object Group Codes tabs. The system automatically enters data into both the Old and New sections in this tab. Selected data fields are available for editing.


Edit Report Definition section definition




University Fiscal Year

A fiscal year for this report definition row.

Report Number

A report number for which you are defining attributes.

Report Period Title

Required. A text title for this reporting period.

Report Period Status Code

The report period status code for this report definition. Existing status codes may be retrieved from the list or from the lookup searchicon. The default values are

N=Not yet opened (updates allowed)
O=Open (batch process has generated Effort Reports)
C=Closed (no updates allowed)

When adding a new reporting definition to the table a report period status code of 'N would normally be selected.

Report Begin Fiscal Year

Required. The fiscal year associated with the beginning period for which effort is to be reported for this group of reports. Existing fiscal years may be retrieved from the lookup searchicon. Entries in the Labor Ledger with a payroll fiscal year outside the defined range will not be considered when these effort reports are generated.

Report Begin Period Code

Required. The period code associated with the beginning period for which effort is to be reported for this group of reports. Existing period codes may be retrieved from the list or from the lookup searchicon.

Report End Fiscal Year

Required. Identifies the ending fiscal year to be considered when reports are generated for this report definition.

The fiscal year associated with the end period for which effort is to be reported for this group of reports. Existing fiscal years may be retrieved from the lookup searchicon.

Report End Period Code

Required. Identifies the ending fiscal period to be considered when effort reports are generated for this report definition.

The period code associated with the ending period for which effort is to be reported for this group of reports. . Existing period codes may be retrieved from the list or from the lookup searchicon.

Report Type Code

Required. This value defines the pay frequency for a group of employees and helps to further define for which employees this report definition should generate effort reports. Default values include:

10 = 10 pay reporting
12 = 12 pay reporting
BI = Biweekly reporting
SU = Summer ReportingExisting report type codes may be retrieved from the list or from the lookup searchicon.

Expense Transfer Fiscal Year

Required. When modifications are made to an effort certification report, this value defines the fiscal year to which the generated salary expense transfer should post the Labor Ledger entries.

Existing fiscal years may be retrieved from the lookup searchicon.

Expense Transfer Fiscal Period Code

Required. The fiscal period code to which Labor Ledger entries will be posted when these effort certification reports are modified.

Existing fiscal period codes may be retrieved from the list or from the lookup searchicon.

Report Return Date

The date on which effort certification reports for this definition were created. Existing dates may be retrieved from the calendar .

Active Indicator


If checked, this report definition row is valid and can be referenced by effort certification batch processes attempt to extract Labor Ledger entries and create effort reports. If unchecked this row is considered inactive and will be ignored by any effort certification batch processes.


Edit Report Position Object Group Codes Tab