Document Layout

The Budget Construction Position document includes the Edit BC Position tab. The system automatically enters data into both the Old and New sections in this tab. Selected data fields are available for editing.

Edit BC Position tab definition




Position Number

The position number for this position. This value combined with the university fiscal year identify the position.

Position Description

Required. A description of the position. KFS Budget displays this value and uses it as part of the position lookup search criteria.

University Fiscal Year

The university fiscal year. Existing fiscal years may be retrieved from the lookup.

This value combined with the position number identify the position.

Position Effective Date

The date that the position information in this row becomes effective.

Position Effective Status

Required. Select your option from the list. Options are

A = Active

I = Inactive

Position Status

Select the status of this position from the list. Sample values you may use include:

A = Approved

D = Deleted

F = Frozen

T = Terminated

Department Set ID

The department set ID for the position. This value qualifies a set of departments as identified by the position department identifier.

Position Department Identifier

Required. The department ID for the position.

The department ID can be a concatenation of the chart and organization that owns the position. The system uses the value as part of the position lookup search criteria.

Job Code

An alphanumeric code representing the job code for the position. Job codes are used to define groups of positions.

Job Code Description

A written description of the job code.

Budgeted Position

Required. Indicates whether the position is marked as budgeted or non-budgeted. Check the box if the position is budgeted.

exclaim    The system displays an error if you try to add or update and save active BC appointment funding rows (LD_PNDBC_APPTFND_T) for non-budgeted positions.

Confidential Position

Indicates whether the position is associated with a union so the batch union salary setting process can be handled differently.

'N' = Include the row in the union export file.

'Y' = Do not include the row.

Position Union Code

If position is union-affiliated, associates it with a union code.

Position Regular Temporary

A flag that indicates whether the position is regular or temporary. Use the list to select the appropriate value.

Position Standard Hours Default

Required. The standard number of hours an incumbent in this position will work in a week. The system's standard hours default for the position. KFS compares the total percent time in the active BC appointment funding rows converted to hours and warns you if the values are different.

Normal Work Months

Required. The number of months an incumbent in this position will normally work in a year. KFS Budget uses this value as a constituent part of the BC appointment funding FTE calculations.

exclaim     In KFS Budget, this value is also compared to the funding months (appt_fnd_mo) in each of the associated active BC appointment funding rows and an error message is produced if they are different.

Pay Months

Required. The number of months during the year an incumbent filling the position gets a paycheck. KFS Budget uses this value as a constituent part of the BC appointment funding FTE calculations.

Position Full Time Equivalency

The full time equivalent value for the position. This value is usually derived by using the formula:
(Position Standard Hours Default / 40) * (Normal Work Months / Pay Months).

exclaim    KFS Budget compares this value with the total FTE in the active BC appointment funding rows and warns the user if the values are different.

Position Salary Plan Default

Required. The default salary plan for the position. KFS Budget uses this value as part of the position lookup search criteria.

Position Salary Grade Default

Required. The default salary grade for the position. KFS Budget uses this value as part of the position lookup search criteria.

Responsibility Center Code

Required. The responsibility center code for the position. The responsibility center code value is usually derived from the BC Organization Reports To table (LD_BCN_ORG_RPTS_T) using the POS_DEPTID value to identify the organization. KFS Budget uses the value as part of the position lookup search criteria.

Salary Set ID

The salary set ID for the position. This value qualifies the set of default administration plans and grades.

Job Code Set ID

The jobcode set ID for the position. This value qualifies the set of job codes.

Default Object Code

Required. The default object code for the position.

exclaim    KFS Budget compares this value to the object code (FIN_OBJECT_CODE) in each of the associated active BC appointment funding rows and produces an error message if they are different.

Position Type

Required. The position type for the position. Example values to use could be:

AC = Academic

SB = Staff BiWeekly

SM = Staff Monthly

KFS Budget uses the value as part of the position lookup search criteria.



Process Overview