The Effort Certification creation process creates effort reports from the temporary Build table populated by the EffortCertificationExtractJob batch job. The creation process also routes these documents and clears the temporary entries from the Build table.
The creation process assumes that the RUN_FISCAL_YEAR and RUN_REPORT_ID parameters have remained set as discussed in the section above detailing the extraction process. It also assumes that the creation process has not previously been run for the specified fiscal year and report ID.
To initiate the creation process, run the EffortCertificationCreateJob. Like the EffortCertificationExtractJob, most institutions will probably choose to make this a regularly scheduled job that runs nightly. Because the creation process clears the temporary entries from the Build table, the job generates Effort Reports only after the EffortCertificationExtractJob has been run. You may also run it manually using the Schedule option on the Maintenance menu tab.