• Fields marked required must be filled in.
• The set of required fields for a position can be relaxed, but the minimum set must include Position Number, University Fiscal Year, Position Description, Position Effective Status, Budgeted Position, Position Standard Hours Default, Position Full Time Equivalency, Normal Work Months, Pay Months, and Default Object Code.
• The Position Full Time Equivalency field is calculated from other required field values.
• Position Full Time Equivalency = Position Standard Hours Default/40 * Normal Work Months/Pay Months
• Example: 0.50 = 20/40 * 12/12
• Example: 0.50 = 20/40 * 10/10
• Example: 1.00 = 40/40 * 12/12
• We recommend that the Department ID field be a concatenation of the Chart of Accounts Code and Organization Code values in the Chart Organization table (CA_ORG_T) and that validation be implemented by the implementing institution. Further, we recommend that the Default Object field value validation go against the Chart Object table (CA_OBJECT_CODE_T) using the University Fiscal Year field value and Chart of Account Code value from the Department ID field.
Any removal of fields
from the set of required fields involved in the Salary Setting business rules
requires disabling of the associated rule.
These rules may be
mitigated if the position table is populated through a process built by the
implementing institution.