Batch Assurance Reports

As discussed in the previous sections, a number of text reports are generated by each step of the batch programs to give you assurance that the transactions are processed in order. Each of the generated text reports is suffixed by the date and time of run. The following table summarizes the batch assurance reports generated by the batch process.

Labor Distribution batch assurance reports

Report Title

Text Report Name


Pending Ledger Entry Summary


Summary total and record count of approved Labor Ledger pending entries fed by balance type, origin code, fiscal year and period. Created by the laborNightlyOutJob.

Scrubber Report STATISTICS


Summary total of records scrubbed and automated entries generated along with a detailed listing of all errors detected. Created by the laborScrubberJob.

Scrubber Input Transactions with Bad Balance Type

labor_scrubber_ badbal

Detailed listing of transactions with a bad balance type. Created by the laborScrubberJob.

Demerger Report STATISTICS


Total number of valid and invalid transactions bypassed. Created by the laborScrubberJob.

Error Listing - Transactions Remove from the Scrubber

labor_scrubber_ error_listing

Detailed listing of transactions removed from the 'Scrubber'. Created by the laborScrubberJob.

Labor Ledger Report

labor_scrubber_ ledger

Summary of transactions entering the labor scrubber including Labor Ledger pending entries and external batch feed file. Created by the laborScrubberJob.

Poster Report 


Total record count of rows deleted, inserted, and updated from in the labor tables updated by the poster. Created by the laborPosterJob.

Labor Poster General Ledger Summary

labor_poster_gl_ summary

Total record count of rows deleted, inserted, and updated from the origin tables and error listing. Created by the laborPosterJob.

Main Poster Error Transaction Listing

labor_poster_main_  error_list

Detailed listing of the error transactions removed from the labor poster. Created by the laborPosterJob.

Main Poster Input Transactions

labor_poster_main_ ledger

Summary total and record count of transactions posted fed by balance type, origin code, fiscal year and period. Created by the laborPosterJob.

Poster Output Summary


Summary debit, credit, budget, and net amount total by balance type, fiscal year, period code, fund group. Created by the laborPosterJob.

Labor Summary for Fiscal Year, Balance Type of CB/BB/MB


Beginning, Annual, Monthly and Accumulated Balances by Fund Group for budget Balance Types. Created by the laborPosterJob.

LaborL Summary for Fiscal Year, Balance Type of AC


Beginning, Annual, Monthly and Accumulated Balances by Fund Group for the AC Balance Type. Created by the laborPosterJob.

Labor Summary for Fiscal Year, Balance Type of EX/IE/PE/CE


YTD Balance by Fund Group for the Encumbrance Balance Types. Created by the laborPosterJob.


Labor Ledger Automated Balancing