PURAP attribute maintenance e-docs are available via the Purchasing/Accounts Payable submenu on the Maintenance menu tab.
PURAP e-docs available from the Maintenance Menu
Document |
Description |
Defines the various addresses to which vendors should send invoices. Addresses are specific to a campus but a campus can have multiple billing addresses. | |
Defines the various Capital Asset system states. For example, the state can be 'New' or 'Modify Existing. | |
Defines the various freight carriers that can be selected within the Purchasing/AP module. An identifying code is assigned to each carrier. | |
Defines the possible statuses that can be assigned to credit memo documents. An identifying code is assigned to each status. | |
Defines the different types of delivery date types that can be used in the Purchasing/AP module. Examples might include types of 'Must Receive' or 'Estimated Date. | |
Defines the relationship between vendor invoice fields and the standard Kuali fields for electronic comparison. | |
Defines the different fund sources that are available to choose from for purchasing documents | |
Defines possible options to list on a receiving ticket as reasons why an item was received that was not on the original purchase order. | |
Item Type defines the different descriptive categories that can be applied to requisition or purchase order line items. Examples might include 'Item,' 'Service,' 'State Tax,' or 'Shipping and Handling. | |
Defines the possible statuses that may be assigned to a line item receiving document after it is submitted. | |
Identifies an account or organization and specifies a dollar amount limit for payment request automated approvals | |
Defines an APO dollar amount limit for a specific organization as identified by a unique combination of chart and organization code | |
Identifies the accounts that should be excluded from automated approval. | |
Defines the possible statuses that can be assigned to payment request documents. An identifying code is assigned to each status. | |
Defines text to be included in purchase order quotes. The quote language is defined by a unique identifier, allowing pre-defined text to be easily added to quotes. | |
Defines lists of vendors that have been created for a specific commodity and identifies the Contract Manager responsible for that list. | |
Defines the status options that may be assigned by a purchasing agent to each vendor in an existing quotation. | |
Defines the possible statuses that can be assigned to purchase order documents and assigns an identifying code to each status. | |
Defines text to be included in purchase order contracts. The contract language is defined by campus, allowing variations between campus offices and inclusion of campus-specific language. | |
Defines payment frequency periods, such as 'annually,' 'monthly,' or 'quarterly' | |
Defines methods for transmitting purchase orders to vendors | |
Defines reasons that indicate why a specific vendor was chosen for a purchase. | |
Defines the possible default receiving addresses for each department. | |
Used to define criteria that determine when an order will require line-item receiving. | |
Defines different types of recurring payments that can be established for a purchase order. Examples might include 'Fixed Schedule, Fixed Payment' or 'Fixed Schedule, Variable Amount.' | |
Defines the different fund sources that are available to choose from for purchasing documents. This table defines different sources for requisitions that can be imported into the Kuali AP/Purchasing documents. | |
Defines the possible statuses that can be assigned to requisition documents and assigns an identifying code to each status | |
Defines why a Purchase Order document might be restricted from viewing. | |
Defines text to be included in purchase order documents that stipulates order conditions to vendors |
Electronic Invoice Item Mapping
Negative Payment Request Approval
Payment Request Auto Approve