Attribute Maintenance E-Docs


PURAP attribute maintenance e-docs are available via the Purchasing/Accounts Payable submenu on the Maintenance menu tab.

PURAP e-docs available from the Maintenance Menu




Billing Address

Defines the various addresses to which vendors should send invoices. Addresses are specific to a campus but a campus can have multiple billing addresses.

Capital Asset System Type

Defines the various Capital Asset system states. For example, the state can be 'New' or 'Modify Existing.


Defines the various freight carriers that can be selected within the Purchasing/AP module. An identifying code is assigned to each carrier.

Credit Memo Status

Defines the possible statuses that can be assigned to credit memo documents. An identifying code is assigned to each status.

Delivery Required Date Reason

Defines the different types of delivery date types that can be used in the Purchasing/AP module. Examples might include types of 'Must Receive' or 'Estimated Date.

Electronic Invoice Item Mapping

Defines the relationship between vendor invoice fields and the standard Kuali fields for electronic comparison.

Funding Source

Defines the different fund sources that are available to choose from for purchasing documents

Item Reason Added

Defines possible options to list on a receiving ticket as reasons why an item was received that was not on the original purchase order.

Item Type

Item Type defines the different descriptive categories that can be applied to requisition or purchase order line items. Examples might include 'Item,' 'Service,' 'State Tax,' or 'Shipping and Handling.

Line Item Receiving Status

Defines the possible statuses that may be assigned to a line item receiving document after it is submitted.

Negative Payment Request Approval Limit

Identifies an account or organization and specifies a dollar amount limit for payment request automated approvals

Organization Parameter

Defines an APO dollar amount limit for a specific organization as identified by a unique combination of chart and organization code

Payment Request Auto Approve Exclusions

Identifies the accounts that should be excluded from automated approval.

Payment Request Status

Defines the possible statuses that can be assigned to payment request documents. An identifying code is assigned to each status.

Purchase Order Quote Language

Defines text to be included in purchase order quotes. The quote language is defined by a unique identifier, allowing pre-defined text to be easily added to quotes.

Purchase Order Quote List

Defines lists of vendors that have been created for a specific commodity and identifies the Contract Manager responsible for that list.

Purchase Order Quote Status

Defines the status options that may be assigned by a purchasing agent to each vendor in an existing quotation.

Purchase Order Status

Defines the possible statuses that can be assigned to purchase order documents and assigns an identifying code to each status.

Purchase Order Contract Language

Defines text to be included in purchase order contracts. The contract language is defined by campus, allowing variations between campus offices and inclusion of campus-specific language.

Recurring Payment Frequency

Defines payment frequency periods, such as 'annually,' 'monthly,' or 'quarterly'

Method of PO Transmission

Defines methods for transmitting purchase orders to vendors

Purchase Order Vendor Choice

Defines reasons that indicate why a specific vendor was chosen for a purchase.

Receiving Address

Defines the possible default receiving addresses for each department.

Receiving Threshold

Used to define criteria that determine when an order will require line-item receiving.

Recurring Payment Type

Defines different types of recurring payments that can be established for a purchase order. Examples might include 'Fixed Schedule, Fixed Payment' or 'Fixed Schedule, Variable Amount.'

Requisition Source

Defines the different fund sources that are available to choose from for purchasing documents. This table defines different sources for requisitions that can be imported into the Kuali AP/Purchasing documents.

Requisition Status

Defines the possible statuses that can be assigned to requisition documents and assigns an identifying code to each status

Sensitive Data

Defines why a Purchase Order document might be restricted from viewing.

Vendor Stipulation

Defines text to be included in purchase order documents that stipulates order conditions to vendors


Billing Address

Capital Asset System State

Capital Asset System Type


Credit Memo Status

Delivery Required Date Reason

Electronic Invoice Item Mapping

Funding Source

Item Reason Added

Item Type

Line Item Receiving Status

Method of PO Transmission

Negative Payment Request Approval Limit

Organization Parameter

Payment Request Auto Approve Exclusions

Payment Request Status

Purchase Order Contract Language

Purchase Order Quote Language

Purchase Order Quote List

Purchase Order Quote Status

Purchase Order Status

Purchase Order Vendor Choice

Receiving Address

Receiving Threshold

Recurring Payment Frequency

Recurring Payment Type

Requisition Source

Requisition Status

Sensitive Data

Vendor Stipulation